+31 (0) 345 576 100 info@jandelely.nl

Cross Docking

Please enquire for all possibilities.

Cross Docking

Cross docking is a known concept in the logistics environment. The goal of crossdocking is making shipped units smaller and shortening lead times. This can save costs, including transport costs.

Example: A loaded container arrives via the port of Rotterdam or Antwerp. This will be unloaded in the relevant port, and the goods will be transported directly from this port to the final destination.

This is slightly different with cross docking: The cargo will be unloaded and loaded directly onto another trailer or truck that will transport the goods. The goods are therefore not stored in the distribution center warehouse of Jan de Lely in the meantime. Sometimes it is the case that these goods leave within an hour, such a process takes a maximum of 24 hours. Cross docking is therefore much more efficient than conventional transport. Sometimes these goods are bundled with other goods that have the same (final) destination. This also potentially saves costs, including transport and storage costs.

Why choose Cross docking at Jan de Lely:

  • Goods do not have to be booked -out -in within stock.
  • Shipments can be processed faster.
  • Less personnel required, doing the same work.
  • Significant cost savings